Remembering Baptism

Dear Caldwell,

It has been said that the life of faith is one that is carried out between “memory and hope.” We live with the grateful memory of what God has begun in Christ and the hope of what God will bring to completion in Christ.

But the adage about memory and hope applies to us as well on a personal level. Throughout the Christian life, we are encouraged to “remember our batism.” If we were baptised as an older youth or as an adult, we might literally remember that. But not so much if we were baptized as infants. Rather, what we mean when we say we “remember” our bapitsm is the act of reflecting on the fundamental truth that God has claimed each of us and, through baptism in the church, “sealed” us to the body of Christ.

This Sunday, we have the chance to remember and celebrate our baptism as part of a celebration of our Confirmation Class. Since December, five youth have been hard at work exploring timeless questions any of us should always be exploring: What does it mean to be a child of God, claimed by God? How do we understand scripture? What is the role and mission of the church? How do we identify the gifts and abilities God has given us and how we can use them to help build the Kingdom of God on earth?

These five teens have completed that course of inquiry, concluding last Sunday when they presented their personall faith statements to the session. What a gift it was to hear each one express their understanding of God, the church and how they apply their faith amid the trials and triumphs of middle and high school. This is only the second confirmation class the “new” Caldwell has had the chance to teach and we owe a debt of gratitude to the teachers, mentors and parents who guided them through. Look for their faith statements in this weekend’s edition of Caldwell Good News!

The great reformer John Calvin wrote: “As often as we fall away, we ought to recall the memory of our baptism and fortify our minds with it, that we may always be sure and confident of the forgiveness of sins.”

So, I invite you to “remember your baptism” in the days leading up to Sunday’s service. It is always a good time to recall that God has claimed you for specific callings and purposes, has named you and numbered each hair on your head and walks with you as you continue in your own faith journey, just as our youth are journeying.

ALSO: Look for Caldwell This Week in a couple of days with a full rundown of activities. BUT … while we are “remembering,” don’t forget that our annual Church Picnic is Saturday, 1-5 p.m. at Idlewild Park. Bring a lawn chair. More later.

In Christ,
