Dear Caldwell,
The old hymn goes, “How firm a foundation …” but that was not so much the case in the entry hall of our administration building. Some 98-year-old joists had sagged, threatening to take the floor with them. But members Jim Curtis, Tom Bohr and some helpful plumbers have been hard at work in the crawlspace to remedy the situation. A dirty job but, in one more way, Caldwell is a little stronger than it was, thanks to them.
This Sunday will include the annual visit of the Davidson-Stapleton Interns, Davidson College students who are spending their summer working in non-profits that serve those most in need in our city. It is always a joy to have their youthful perspectives as part of our worship. We will, as usual, be led by our equally joyful choir in song. In the sermon, we will consider Romans 6:12-23, including, oddly enough, a connection I’ve uncovered to the animated characters Shrek and Dunkey. In Sunday school, we will enjoy the second session on a book about “Great prayers of the Old Testament,” taking a look at a prayer of Moses’ in Numbers 14:13-23.
For now, as Shrek says, “that’ll do.”
Hope to see you soon.
In Christ,