Dear Caldwell,
Let me start with some timely pastoral news: Doretha Martin, grandmother to member Kevin Martin and mother to our friend Ted Martin, passed away earlier this week after a serious turn in her health. We pray for the entire Martin family that they will know the “peace that passes all understanding” and find comfort in the promise of the Resurrection. Mrs. Martin’s homegoing information:
- Visitation/quiet hour: tonight from 7-8 pm at Alexander Funeral Home, 1424 Statesville Ave., 28206
- Service Saturday at 1:30 pm at Reeder Memorial Baptist Church, 3725 Beatties Ford Rd., 28216
This Sunday will be a very busy day for our church family:

1. Sunday Morning: Caldwell House breakfast (prep begins at 7 and meal at 8:30); Adult Christian Education in the Shelby Room at 9:45. Also, if you’ve ever wanted to know, talk more about and even wrestle with some of the key “tenets” of our Presbyterian faith, all are invited to join the Newcomers class at 9:45 in Fellowship Hall. In worship, we move toward the end of our sermon series on Acts, taking a look at how Paul “speaks hope” into an otherwise highly legal proceeding (Acts 24) … and how that changes everything.
2. At 4 pm Sunday, we hope you will be back at church as we host a city-wide, interfaith worship service that opens this year’s Pride Festival. This year’s festival promises to be the largest and most inviting yet and we are pleased to open our doors to all allies and LGBT people, celebrating each as a child of God. Come for rich worship and a reception to follow.
3. At 6:30 pm, we pivot to support another set of God’s children, our Latino brothers and sisters who are grappling with the threat of deportation. Come to hear the real stories of families who are affected and to think about what just immigration laws, as defined by the Gospel, might really look like.
It promises to be a full and ful-filling day in the worship and service of our Lord! See you then.
In Christ,