Sunday to Sunday: Living History, Metamorphosis

Dear Caldwell,

As February nears an end, I am so profoundly grateful for the rich experiences we have shared in recognition of African-American History Month. While history is important, what’s more important is that we live our lives informed and inspired by that history. In our conversations last Sunday, in the “stories” we’ve heard in worship and in other related events this month, we have approached our effort to understand the African-American experience as living history. The story of how we can live together, as people of multiple races and traditions, in peace and reconciliation is hardly ended. It is still alive, evolving and open ended. In that way, it’s like the story of our walk with our Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Thanks to the creative group that brainstormed our efforts in African-American History Month – Richard Campbell, Anne Hunter-Eidson, Jamie Hofmeister-Cline, Rev. Evie Landrau and Yvette Wilson.

This upcoming Sunday we take a step in the direction of Lent, the 40 days that precede Holy Week and Easter. On the church calendar, the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday (the start of Lent, March 5) is Transfiguration Sunday. We revisit a Biblical story about God’s affirmation of Jesus as the Christ. It is surrounded in mystery and what we might think of today as special effects (see Matthew 17:1-9).  Transfiguration Sunday is a chance to consider our own metamorphosis, whether that is a journey we’ve been on for a while or one we would like to take up this Lent.  In advance, you might take a moment and think about a part of yourself, your life, your outlook or your circumstances that you would like to change with God’s help. As important as anything, how would you like to change something about yourself in the eyes of God?

Speaking of Lent, don’t forget, also, that the Elizabeth Communities of Faith has organized its annual Lenten Worshp and Lunch series every Wednesday at noon. Our host is Hawthorne Lane United Methodist Church and we start a week from tomorrow. Come, worship, grab a simple $5 meal and be on your way by 1 p.m.

A final note in this time from Sunday to Sunday: All are invited to join in the first worship service for La Casita de Amor this Saturday at 2 p.m. in Belk Hall. Come, get a taste of this new worshipping community designed with our Latino brothers and sisters in mind but open to all. Questions: Contact Rev. Evie.

In Christ,
