The Kingdom of God Has Come Near

Dear Caldwell,

I trust that you and yours had an enjoyable Fourth of July and were able to take time to reflect on the privilege and the obligations that come with citizenship in this country.

Church tomorrow promises to be special in several ways. Music will be led in part by a choir from Cameroon, the native country of Intern in Ministry Abong Fankam, as well as a special piece by some Caldwell instrumentalists. Abong will preach on the story in Luke 10:1-11 of Jesus sending his disciples out with the message about the nearness of the Kingdom. Rev. Evie Laundrau will lead worship, including communion, as I am in Richmond on seminary business this weekend.

Adult Sunday School meets at 9:45 to continue its consideration of Ephesians, guided by Eugene Peterson’s book Practicing Resurrection. If you have been walking with Caldwell and would like to make it your church home, the session will meet to receive new members immediately after worship.

Caldwell House breakfast prep is at 7 and serving at 8:30, as always, a wonderful chance to meet toms of our guests.

May you see signs of the nearness of the Kingdom this day and be encouraged that, despite many signs to the contrary, it is emerging and will be realized, in God’s time and with our particition.

In Christ,
