Today on Facebook, Caldwell friend Ray Cline offered a shot of his dog snoozing in the yard with the caption noting that his dog loved to sleep with the warm sun on his belly. The Cleghorn cat, fondly referred to as Methuselah because we don’t know quite how old he is, does the same. Yesterday, sitting in my warm car between meetings about 2:00, I had the same instinct, myself – to go to take a quick cat nap in the sun. It’s been a lovely week weather-wise.
It’s been an important week for Caldwell in another sense – namely our effort to understand what God would have us do with our ample campus space. The session has voted to “nest” another PCUSA congregation on our campus, specifically in our gym, for a period of time while it looks for a more permanent home.
Here’s the background: We were approached by Presbytery (regional PCUSA office) about the situation concerning the Bread of Life Christian Ministry, an African-American congregation of about 75 people. Bread of Life had been leasing space for their worship and activities but recently lost that lease and faced homelessness. Officially known as the Belk Fellowship Hall, what we call the gym has been sitting empty. Bread of Life looked at it and was very pleased to have it as a temporary home.
For Caldwell, this fits well as the latest opportunity to share what we have in the service of our Lord, namely space. Prayer, patience and careful due diligence led to our partnerships in the Price Building with the Bilingual Preschool and the Salvation Army. While we were asked to move quickly on this request, the Session gave it careful consideration and came to the conclusion that the Kingdom is served by our hosting Bread of Life. For us, it provides another chance to practice hospitality and to build new relationships.
We feel strongly that our congregations are distinct and well-defined enough to co-exist. They will worship on Sunday mornings coincident with us, but use the back of the campus for parking. They will also use the gym a few hours a week for choir practice, youth activities and the such. To be sure, flexibility will be required by all, but we are excited about this new call God has given us. Work begins right away to empty the gym of some old, unneeded school furniture, etc. and to prepare it for our sister congregation.
Now … as for other things in the life of Caldwell: Sunday holds many opportunities – as we consider the story of the transfiguration of Jesus, a lead into Lent; as we celebrate communion, as we receive new members; and, as we see our friends in Christ. There is quilting Sunday afternoon and more great time together Sunday night watching and discussing “Eyes on the Prize.”
In addition to all of this, we give thanks that Caldwell friend Rose Greenfield, grandma to Rosabella and mother to Merrilyn Gill, had successful minor surgery this week.
See you soon, I trust.
In Christ,