The Table Is Set: Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae

Come and be fed.
Come and be fed.

Dear Caldwell,

At 7:30 tonight we gather as a people who have been given a mandate, a new commandment by Christ to love one another as he loved us. The table is set for us to serve each other the Bread and Cup Christ gave his followers, before giving himself for all of us.

So, come and bring whatever part of you that is empty, that might be filled by Christ’s offering and by our fellowship with each other. We will hear a meditation by Evie, read the passages of scripture that review Christ’s passion and, afterward, gather at the cross to recognize the beginning of the three days our world was without God in Christ.

Afterward, consider staying – or returning later – for the prayer vigil.

See you soon, I hope.

In Christ,
