Hearing Stories, Gathering Dreams, Building Power, Transforming Lives

How do we …
Organize and act as the body of Christ inclusively?
Invite and value all voices?
Build and share power for transformational change?
Give voice to dreams – even fantasies! – that tighten the fabric of our faith community?
Our church has been invited to take part in a new effort called Thriving Congregations. We have been learning the principles of community organizing as a way to listen deeply, build consensus and marshal power and influence as God’s hands, feet and heart in a disillusioned, divided and wounded world.
This year, we are casting a net across the church with a particular focus in mind:
What are our shared hopes, dreams and questions for Caldwell’s future of Pastoral Care and Leadership as we prepare to call a new pastor to serve alongside John?
We believe the process to call our new pastor must be thoughtful, prayerful and spirit-led. We believe our God has placed the needs of our church in the hopes and dreams of our Caldwell community, so we are asking each of you to share yours with us.
In the coming weeks and months, we’re inviting folks to a series of House Meetings (in groups) and relational meetings (1:1) with Thriving Congregations team members. During our time together we will share, listen and gather your hopes, dreams and questions for our Session and the Pastor Nominating Committee to use as we prepare to call our new pastor
What You Can Do:
- Prayerfully consider what you are hoping for and wondering about from pastoral leadership and care at Caldwell in the coming years.
- Look for an opportunity to take part in a Relational (1:1) or a House Meeting. We are planning several House Meetings over the coming weeks and months, so look for info in Sunday bulletins, emails and on the website/calendar for a time that works for you.
- Contact any Thriving Congregations team member with your questions or to arrange for a relational meeting. You can reach us at:
Corey Christensen mitynit67@gmail.com
Renee Cole jessdoll@bellsouth.net
Woody Connette egconnette@gmail.com
Angela Everitt everitts@carolina.rr.com
Denzell Faison efaison101@gmail.com
Merrilyn Gill merrilynrgill@gmail.com
Anne Hunter-Eidson ahuntereidson@caldwellpresby.org
Kevin Martin kevin.d.martin89@gmail.com
Jill McLeigh jillmcleigh@gmail.com
Felicia Pine feliciapine@ymail.com
Peg Robarchek coachpeg@aol.com
Jesca Yiskah-El jyeglobal1@gmail.com
- If you are unable to attend a House Meeting or arrange a Relational Meeting with a member of the team, please know that your voice is still important to us. You may share your hopes, dreams, and questions online using the link below. If you share your name, we will be sure to count you toward our goal of touching base with every member. But please feel free to be anonymous. We will not be able to track any forms submitted unless you state your name.
We are so grateful to be on this journey with you and to have your voice along the way!
Peace and Blessings,
Your Caldwell Thriving Congregations Team