As we travel from Sunday to Sunday this week, many families are back into school routines – rising early to go to school, hitting the homework at night. At Caldwell, we have both new kindergartners, who experienced that wondrous first day of school, and high school seniors, facing that high school victory lap of sorts that is one’s “senior year” and all the glory that comes with it. We have several who are off to their colleges, some who are getting back into their routine as school volunteers and still others who are teachers, from three year-old classrooms to the college level. Let us keep in prayer all the students and teachers and support staff as they begin a year of learning, as well as the busy parents who support our children of all ages.
Last Sunday, we counted and gave thanks for all the ways God calls us at Caldwell to serve children, as Jesus commanded. We formally announced the launch of Buddy/Mentor in Charlotte, a non-profit that matches mentors with youth for guidance, companionship and fun. Several of you immediately voiced a desire to be a part of this new ministry initiative that asks for just 1.5 hours a month.
If you are prayerfully considering this opportunity and wondering what it involves, below you’ll find all the details. If you would like to serve as a mentor, please indicate your interest to Kim Bohannon, elder and founder of Buddy/Mentor, at
If you are interested, the “Living the Sermon” discussion time will revisit some of what we talked about on Sunday, tonight at 6 p.m. in the Prayer Room. Another chance to serve children and their families comes Friday at 9:30 a.m. in Belk Hall, when Evie gathers the La Casita flock for Bible study and Zumba. (Maybe it’s time to make this a new part of your fall routine?)
We’ve learned that Elder Alex Smythers suffered serious heart pain while on vacation in Alaska last Saturday and was flown to Seattle, where he had a catheter inserted. He is resting comfortably but the vacation he and Ann had been enjoying has come to an abrupt stop. He will recover there for a while and then they both will return to Charlotte. If you want to drop them a note via email, do so to
Also, please pray for Jackie Abernethy, who is facing health challenges, and John Crowell, whose brain surgery has been postponed until later in September.
Meantime, as we say for – and to – our kids, “may the Lord be with you there.”
In Christ, John
(Buddy/Mentor information below)
Buddy/Mentor Charlotte -Volunteer Requirements:
• We meet the second Sunday of the Month October-June from 1:00-3:30 here in Belk Hall. (In May we will meet the first Sunday of the month due to Mother’s Day). There will be a least two field trips on a few of our scheduled meeting days instead of being in Belk.
• Provide a lunch for yourself and your buddy
• Assist your buddy with an arts and crafts project
• Engage them in conversation and our organized activities
• All of these meetings are supervised and structured
• Call your Buddy to remind them of the meeting
• Arrange an alternative time to meet with your buddy, if you are comfortable with this, or provide coverage with another mentor for yourself if you cannot attend a scheduled meeting.
DATES FOR 2014-2015
Second Sundays of the month- except May (Mother’s Day)
MAY 3 (First Sunday of the month due to Mother’s Day)
Additional questions or ideas: email Kim Bohannon –