Children’s Nativity Pageant and Parade

When: During Advent, the 2nd or 3rd Sunday (in December) during the worship service Contact: Carol King Contact Email: Contact Phone: (704) 293-6142 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

During Advent, the 2nd or 3rd Sunday (in December) during the worship service is chosen for the presentation of the Nativity, which includes speaking and non-speaking parts for both children and adults. The Reverend Justin Martin is in charge of the presentation.

The Saturday before the Sunday presentation is for practice, which The Reverend Justin Martin leads. Help is needed for distributing costumes, assisting those children with speaking parts, and providing “crowd control.” On Sunday, help is needed for ensuring costumes are distributed and keeping the children on task with their roles. Help is also needed in gathering up all costumes and ensuring they are ready for the following year’s presentation, along with general cleanup of the sanctuary (if needed).

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