Dear Caldwell,
It’s quiet here at the church on a blustery and rainy Christmas Eve, fitting it would seem for this year. But nothing can stop the victorious celebration in the hours to come, as told told in an Advent hymn by the name above:
Watchman tell us of the night, what its signs of promise are. Traveler what a wondrous sight: see the glorious beaming star.
Watchman, does its beauteous news of joy or hope foretell? Traveler, yes; it brings the day, promised day of Israel .
As travelers we have shared a hard journey this year, too much darkness, too much death. It was dark for Mary and Joseph, too, as they made their way across their own rocky ground. Perhaps this year, we know a bit more than in most how they felt on that first Christmas Eve, weary, uncertain, even a bit wary but trusting in God nonetheless.
Wasn’t it perfect to see what some called the Bethlehem Star this week, the first great convergence of Jupiter and Saturn in 800 years? In a year full of so much darkness, perhaps this year we know a bit more than most years what the Magi must have experienced as that star guided their journey to the hope in the manger.
Recently I came across this photo of a past Christmas at Caldwell. I am guessing 1980s from the photograph. So much looks so different from the Caldwell we know.
Yet, so much is also familiar. The photo reminds me that this church has been through so much, so many highs and lows and, now, two global pandemics. We won’t be together in the pews tonight, but perhaps the enduring sight of the beautiful wood trim, the Poinsettias and the gathered faithful of another era will stir memories of past Christmases together and fuel our joyous hope for more to come.
So, it’s about time now to make our way to the manger (special music starts at 5:20, the Zoom link was shared yesterday or you can watch on the Watch Live button on the website).
All are invited to be on Zoom (with microphones off, please) and to have your candle because we will be sharing the light as we always do at the end of the service. For John’s Gospel tell us,
The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.
In Christ,