Were You There?

Maundy Thursday w foot washing

Dear Caldwell,

Our Sunday to Sunday Holy Week journey this week takes us from the high of Palm Sunday to the low of Maundy Thursday, all so that we can then prepare fully for Easter resurrection.

Thursday night at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary we will share the Last Supper, offer the opportunity for foot washing and read the passion narrative as we dim the lights and then sit in silence. Our Maundy Thursday/Tenebrae service is somber and meaningful, allowing us to fully contemplate how far God in Christ went for our sake.

I hope you have set aside some time for the following 24 hours to be here for part of the Prayer Vigil, to keep watch and honor Christ with our vigilance and presence. Sign up by clicking here – vigil keepers for the wee hours of Friday morning and the afternoon hours needed.

Then, as a preview for Easter, you may want to listen to the podcast our own Peg Robarcheck (with our choir voices) did interviewing our own Gail Henderson-Belsito – it’s great stuff. Easter day will be full – moving from the sunrise service to our own breakfast and cross-decorating party Sunday at 9:45 a.m.

In these holy days, may the Lord be with you and yours as we contemplate the depth of God’s love and commitment to us, in Christ’s death and resurrection.

In Christ,
