Your Ideas for (Re-)Building Trust

Dear Caldwell,

Thanks to all who helped make worship-on-the-move possible yesterday. I hope and pray it gave each one of you a moment, and perhaps a new perspective, on how you can dedicate your pledge of time and talent (and treasure) through Caldwell in 2017. Remember Commitment Sunday, when we consecrate our pledges forward, is Oct. 16.

wfae-flyerAs we move from Sunday to Sunday this week, I need your help. Tomorrow night I have been asked to participate in a WFAE “Charlotte Talks” public forum on how our city moves forward in the wake of the Keith shooting and subsequent protests and community cries. Specifically, how does our city build trust that can heal, reconcile and reunite us as a community?

What do you think? What would you have me say? What is the wisdom – individual and collective – of this part of the body of Christ that might be shared with our city at this time?

I’d love to know. You can participate by jumping over to Facebook to our Caldwell Conversations page or reply to me directly at

We know it won’t be easy. We know it won’t be quick. We know that the anger of many is real and justified. We know that we have hard work to do, beginning with truth telling.

As people of faith, we know it cannot happen without the guidance of our God in Christ and the Holy Spirit.

But I happen to think it’s possible.

This morning, I was studying Galatians. In it Paul gives a divided community of another day laser focus when it comes to solutions when he writes: “The only think that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” (Gal. 5:6 NIV)

Please remember there is a city-wide Presbyterian service of witness and worship tomorrow night at 6:30 at C.N. Jenkins Presbyterian  and our Pints and Paths discussion continues at Kickstand at 7 p.m.

In Christ,
